I began my career as a Level Designer for 11+ years—getting my feet wet. Then, I shifted gears to pursue my entrepreneurial curiosity and made a living from it outside of games.
A couple of years ago, I felt a euphoric gravitational pull back into games.
Beginning in 2024 to Feb. 2025, I was a Senior Level Designer on an Unreal 5 Sci-Fi title - then the studio closed.
That OG fire 🔥 from when I first wanted to get into games still burns. This next chapter of my game career is about diving in headfirst with more hunger, skill, intrigue, and humility.
Let’s make cool shit together.
„Zróbmy razem coś zajebistego!”
Senior Level Designer / Jar of Sparks
1 of 3 LD's who created 8 maps from concept to playable (including 2 full demo levels) using Unreal 5.
I focused on iterative rapid blockouts, enemy spread, combat spaces, objectives, framing, modular art asset placement and POI's -- studio closed Feb 2025 -
Lead Level Designer / The Collective
CLICK TO WATCH LEVEL VIDEOSI led a team of 7 designers over a 3 year project - concept to ship.
In addition, I created 9 shipped levels focused on layout, narrative integration, combat spaces and creating in-game cinematics. -
Lead Level Designer / EA
CLICK TO WATCH LEVEL VIDEOI created the "Market Garden" campaign including scripted AI, environmental hazards, sightlines, narrative integration and high octane action - I also managed 1 designer on additional content.
Senior Level Designer / Incinerator
CLICK TO WATCH LEVEL VIDEOSDesigned 3 shipping bosses with a classic multi-phased design. Setup gameplay art assets and scripted logic using LUA.
- Dog - 8:45 min (in link)
- Plant - 12:45 min
- Globulous (final boss) - 19:30 min
Senior Level Designer / The Collective
CLICK TO WATCH LEVEL VIDEOWorked on the shipped "Hotel" level including AI scripting, blockout, pacing, combat encounters, puzzle design and the horror focused elevator sequence.
Senior Level Designer / 3DRealms
I did rapid prototyping of game mechanics using Unreal and remixed existing game encounters on Duke Nukem Forever.
Senior Level Designer / The Collective
Assisted with puzzle design and logic on Da Vinci Code after shipping Getting Up at The Collective.
Level Designer / Running w Scissors
My 1st full time pro gig coming out of the Unreal MOD community. Worked on level blockouts using the Unreal Engine.
Designer / Shiny Entertainment
My 1st taste of pro games - Freelance contract brainstorming mission ideas on paper for a high profile game.
My skillset lies in crafting experiences through player flow (lanes), sightlines (framing), integrating narrative and balancing player and game mechanics.

Play My Greybox Demo (FPS - UE 5.5)
Level Goals: Layout, objectives, enemy routes, framing and sightlines
Level Tone: Stealthy Action
In progress: respawn system for falling into death fog - v.022425
Note: organic demo - refining it day by day to stay fresh.
Instructions: Download .zip --> Extract all to a folder --> open "Windows" folder --> Run .exe
Readme inside folder for Controls